
Buddhism is a spiritual tradition that emphasizes the importance of cultivating wisdom and compassion in order to alleviate suffering and achieve enlightenment. Zen Buddhism is a branch of Mahayana Buddhism that emphasizes the practice of meditation and mindfulness as a means to achieve these goals.

Buddhism, History, Zen Buddhism

Sojiji Temple

Sojiji Temple is the second head temple of the Soto school of Zen Buddhism and is one of the biggest and most famous Buddhist temples in Japan. Originally, Sojiji was a Shingon Buddhist temple and was built

Buddhism, Zen Buddhism

Fuyu’s Buddhist Reading List

Hey there! If you’re interested in delving deeper into the world of Zen or Buddhism, I’ve got a list of some of my all-time favorite books that I’ve personally read and enjoyed. And don’t worry,

Buddhism, Concepts, Zen Buddhism

What is Fudoshin?

Fudoshin is the ‘immovable mind’, that is, the mind that has met all challenges of life, and has attained a state of complete composure and fearlessness. This state of equanimity is essential in the practice

Buddhism, Concepts, Zen Buddhism

What is Hishiryo?

Hishiryo is a state of mind beyond thinking and non-thinking. During the practice of Zazen, it is the normal condition of the consciousness. Consciousness during  meditation is not the same as it is in daily life, it

Basics, Buddhism

The Three Jewels of Buddhism

To become a Buddhist is to take refuge in the Three Jewels, also called the Three Treasures or the Three Refuges. The Three Jewels are the Buddha (The Teacher), the Dharma (The Teaching), and the Sangha (The

Basics, Buddhism

What is the Middle Way?

When Buddha saw suffering for the first time, he was deeply disturbed to see death and misery in the world. He gave up his place in the darkness of the night and set out to

Basics, Buddhism

What is the Eightfold Path?

In Buddhist philosophy, the Eightfold Path shines as a central teaching, offering profound guidance for living a life of wisdom, ethical conduct, and mental discipline. This ancient yet timeless path, articulated by the Buddha, is

Basics, Buddhism

What is Rebirth or Samsara in Buddhism?

We find in the heart of Buddhism, Samsara, the cycle of rebirth in which are prisoner beings who have not yet achieved enlightenment or supreme liberation. Called commonly reincarnation in the West, this cycle of